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Equo Scudo

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Equo Scudo

SCUDO, the protective and fortifying solution for the mucosa of the fish and invertebrates.

It contains: Aloe vera extract in which have been found multiple beneficent properties Polivinilpirrolidone (PVP) a substance with high healing activity, and Iodine indicated in all the situations where stress has a negative influence on the well being of the fish and invertebrates.

Aloe vera preserves the integrity of the delicate layer of mucosa that cover the fish  and help healing if damaged, thanks to the presence of mucopolysaccharirde which enter the composition of the mucosa, particularly glucomannano. It has been discovered in Aloe, Chromosomes, molecules that protect the skin because it makes the tropism better, and along with PVP it helps the healing process of  wounds by stimulating the proliferation of the epithelia. Aloe Vera, because of its richness of acemannani, it helps to make its defence mechanism stronger. It also contains A C and E vitamins which have a high level of antioxidant. With its richness of soap-like substances, Aloe vera, reduces the chance of bacterial contamination and viruses and micótica and along with  the bacterial activity practised from iodine reduces disease and bacterial pathologies.

The SCUDO changes sea water and makes it suitable for flora and fauna. It strengthens and defends the fish and invertebrates, making them more resistant to foreign aggressions. its use is indicated for all stressful situations of the fish and invertebrates for example during and after the transportation phase, with abrasions and the changes of the water and in case of added visitors in the aquarium. With the use of the SCUDO, fish and invertebrates won’t have problems “settling in” even the most delicate spices.

Osmosis water, Aloe vera, PVP, Iodine, Potassium Iodide.

pour in a container the amount of osmosis water desired, pour the amount of SCUDO desired, and after a couple of minutes add the seawater, if you use fresh water, add LINFA ( mix of non mineral water for fresh water). Put a movement pump in a thermo heater to be able to have an equal distribution of salts and temperature needed. The SCUDO does not eliminate the metals reintegrated from the marine salt because they are important elements of seawater. If ever you need to use tap water, it must be treated with a bio conditioner DIAMANTE , which will take away the chlorine and metal present.

Size : 250 ml

