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Tropic Marin Pro Coral Reef Snow

Tropic Marin Pro Coral Reef Snow
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Tropic Marin Pro Coral Reef Snow

Size : 60 Gm

Natural algal substance for coral food to form reef snow particles

The high level of biological activity in intact coral reefs means that high concentrations of biopolymer substances are found there. Contact with nutrient particles and settlement with specialized bacteria results in the formation of particles with a high nutrient content, which are also visible to the naked eye. These particles vary in form from flakes to threads and are referred to as reef snow. Tropic Marin PRO-CORAL REEF SNOW contains these natural biopolymers of the sea. Together with other feedstuffs they form nutrient-rich flakes similar to natural reef snow, transporting these to the corals and other filter feeders. The concentration of a PRO-CORAL REEF SNOW solution can be varied in order to adapt the size of the flakes individually to the filter feeders contained in the tank.

